Erupción Volcán Chiatén
As part of the Friends of Pumalín Douglas Tompkins National Park program, promoted by Rewilding Chile, residents learned about geology and reflected on this natural event that changed Chaitén's history.
Erupción Volcán Chiatén
As part of the Friends of Pumalín Douglas Tompkins National Park program, promoted by Rewilding Chile, residents learned about geology and reflected on this natural event that changed Chaitén’s history.
About 20 community members participated in the activity, guided by geologists Tomás Martínez and Anibal Rivera. Initially, participants reviewed the most significant elements of the eruption through videos, photos, and historical records that are available in the museum.
“It was a very interesting tour since many residents had not yet visited the site museum. Understanding the details from a technical perspective is essential to better comprehend the territory we live in,” explained Karina Mansilla, coordinator of the Friends of Pumalín Douglas Tompkins National Park program.
Afterward, participants engaged in a practical rock analysis activity using magnifying glasses to identify various types and their structures. “We learned a lot and realized that we have tremendous patrimonial and geological value. These activities empower us to appreciate the richness of our territory and see opportunities for the community, such as promoting scientific tourism,” explained Paulina Riquelme, a Chaitén resident.
To conclude the day, participants reflected on this significant life experience that marked them forever and discussed the locality and nature’s regeneration process.
About the Friends of the Parks Program
This program, which has been operating for nearly three years, belongs to the Community Engagement area of Fundación Rewilding Chile, a legacy of Tompkins Conservation, and begins a new challenge in the Palena province in the Los Lagos Region.
“With various activities, we aim to foster bonds of pride and a sense of belonging with terrestrial and marine ecosystems, through empowered actors and true Friends who defend their national parks,” explained Carolina Cerda, the program director.
Today, the program is present in different localities along the Patagonia Parks Route, such as Chile Chico, Villa Cerro Castillo in the Aysén Region, and also in the Río Chamiza Valley in the Los Lagos Region.
Throughout the year, a series of community activities will be developed, which will be announced through the Instagram account @amigos_pn_pumalindt.