Discover the Passport of the Route of Parks of Patagonia

6,000 new Passports of the Route of Parks of Patagonia are available for travelers visiting the protected areas. Earlier this year, after the launch of this initiative developed by CONAF, Sernatur and Fundación Rewilding Chile, the legacy of Tompkins Conservation, the documents went quickly out of stock.

This passport was presented to the public in January, causing enormous enthusiasm among tourists since the document -just like a real passport- can be stamped in each National Park in Los Lagos, Aysén, and Magallanes regions. It also functions as a travel log, in which people can write about their experience in the area and record the species of fauna and flora they observe.

The pilot initiative encourages responsible tourism and invites people to travel through this part of the national territory, extending from Puerto Montt to Cape Horn and including 17 national parks. The project also considers publishing 4,000 passports in English for foreign visitors.

For CONAF’s Executive Director, Rodrigo Munita, “this is an excellent instrument for promoting environmental education in terms of respecting and conserving the biodiversity of our protected wild areas in terms of native flora and fauna, as well as cultural resources. Tourists understood the meaning of the passport perfectly well, so they went out of stock quickly once they were available since they can find valuable information of tourist interest in them”.

Carolina Morgado, Executive Director of Fundación Rewilding Chile, the legacy of Tompkins Conservation, explained that "this is a way to continue positioning the Route of Parks of Patagonia as a unique nature and conservation tourist destination in the world. The main objective is to encourage visitors to become true guardians of this territory, fostering a national park culture in Chile by protecting the heritage of Patagonia."

“We have seen a very positive recovery of domestic tourism in our country. We have also had a very positive reception from tourists with this passport, allowing us to explore our country’s Patagonia parks differently. Visitors have enjoyed the natural privilege of Chile’s National Parks,” emphasized Andrea Wolleter, National Director of Sernatur, concerning the recent issuing of the document.

How to obtain it?

Those interested should request and register at the pickup points, where they will find the QR code to signup. They will quickly receive an e-mail confirming the request. The next step is to show it to the tourist informer or park ranger to obtain the passport.

Where are the pickup points?

They are available in the regions of Los Lagos, Aysén, and Magallanes that are part of the Route of Parks of Patagonia.

Los Lagos Region:

• Puerto Montt Tourist Information Office
• Alerce Andino National Park
• Douglas Tompkins Pumalín National Park.

Aysén Region:

• Puyuhuapi Tourist Information Office
• Sernatur Regional Office of Coyhaique
• Cerro Castillo National Park
• Puerto Tranquilo CONAF Area Office
• CONAF Provincial Office of Capitan Prat (Cochrane)

Magallanes Region:

• Punta Arenas Tourist Information Office
• Puerto Natales Tourist Information Office
• Torres del Paine National Park

The invitation is to share your experience exploring the Route of Parks of Patagonia using #YoVivoLaRuta and tagging @conaf_minagri, @chile_estuyo, and @rutadelosparquesdelapatagonia.

More information on the passport is available at and on the Ruta de los Parques de la Patagonia website.